Operating a Vehcile Impaired (OVI)


Operating a vehicle impaired in Ohio means driving, or being in actual physical control of a vehicle, while also being impaired. While OVI with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level of .08 or higher after drinking alcohol, taking controlled substances, or using other chemical substances constitutes OVI per se, much less is needed for you to be arrested and convicted. Often, a police offering seeing bloodshot eyes or smelling the odor of alcohol is enough. OVIs can damage one’s reputation with the community and also lead to issues with employment.

More importantly, OVI can result in mandatory jail time, counseling, probation (community control), heavy fines, restitution for damage, license suspensions and community service. Multiple OVIs, especially in a ten year period, can lead to much more severe penalties through what can be viewed as a “stacking” effect. OVIs are complex with a lot at stake for any client. They present complex issues of evidence and procedure as well Constitutional rights. With so much complexity and so much at risk for a client, an attorney is critical to navigating the procedural minefield of OVI cases.

Personal Injury and Auto Accident


An accident can have an immediate and profound impact on one’s life and their ability to care for loved ones. Sadly, these events often cause lasting damage to client’s bodies, minds and the fabric of their families.

Accidents often result in high medical costs, lost wages, physical and mental pain and suffering, and affect the injured person’s ability to fulfill their duties to their family. These injuries often affect other family members by rearranging the structure, tasks and dynamic of the family.

At Haskamp Law can help you be compensated for your injuries and protect the legal rights of you and your family. We can also help you obtain justice against the at fault party who has diverted the path of your life. Because such cases involve complex issues of fault, evidence, medical and more, hiring an attorney is a must.

Wills and Estate Planning


Everyone should have a will. And everyone should be mindful of the direction they want their estate to travel when they are gone. At Haskamp Law, we draft simple and complex wills for a variety of clients. We also can assist with the creation of trusts and other planning instruments.

We also can assist estate administration whether a will is involved or if the estate passes through probate (the court system). Planning for the future of loved ones is a difficult task, so at Haskamp Law we strive to make the process simple and give you peace of mind.



Haskamp Law is well versed in the mechanical processes of incorporating your business. Incorporation has two primary functions. First, putting your business in a corporate entity provides a liability shield for your personally. Second, the corporate entity allows you to structure your tax burden in ways that most benefits your business. One of the most prudent ways to start a business off on the right foot is by filing the proper corporate entity based on these principles.

Real Estate Services


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want buy rental units or flip houses. Perhaps you have a dispute with a neighbor or need advice on purchase contracts and financing options.

Haskamp Law provides a broad array of services related to residential real estate. We also offer consulting for those who want to break into the landlord game or become professional investors. We can also assist with property transfers, liens, and zoning issues.